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My 2019 Word of the Year – Manage


I used to get on here and write what was on my mind and heart, but somewhere along the way I started getting paranoid about google search optimization and Pinterest virality. I started focusing solely on posting things that people search for. Which is awesome, and still my goal, but I think I need to get back to writing more of my thoughts and random insights now and then.

So here we go!

I am definitely not a “New Years Resolution” type, mostly because I’m constantly trying new things, setting goals and making new plans. Because I don’t need to wait for Jan 1 for that stuff!

But I do like the idea of a “Word of the Year,” and over-arching theme of what my intentions are for the year.

My last word of the year was “light.” I wanted to:
be more LIGHT-hearted with my family
LIGHTen our financial load
be a LIGHT of happiness to others
LIGHTen others burdens
live LIGHTly and minimize our possessions
be in the LIGHT outdoors more
LIGHT up my face with my kids are talking to me
be LIGHTer weight
rise earlier and enjoy the LIGHT
keep a LIGHT and positive mindset
let the LIGHT of Christ shine through me

I tossed around some ideas for this year and “create” was high up on the list (its no surprise that making things makes me happy, so I want to make more things!), and I considered “mindful” because remembering to be mindful and intentional makes everything better and takes regular events to a whole other level.

As I contemplated what word to go with, the word that kept coming back to me was “MANAGE.”


Not very colorful and inspiring, haha.

But it fits. For so many years, I’ve been playing defense on everything. One step behind, dealing with issues as they come up, letting things fall through the cracks, waiting til the last minute, rationalizing my way out of doing things.

I never seemed to be able to organize my life and my time and be productive. And I’m married to perhaps the most efficient and methodical man alive. I’m pretty sure I’ve been driving him crazy for over a decade now.

BUT! The perfect storm of insights, podcasts, books, growth, tools, perspective and desire has combined for this very moment! I can see the light! (haha)

I’m ready to take things to the next level.

So my word this year is MANAGE.

my word of the year - manage

There are quite a few areas where I want to manage better: my mind, time, household, finances, church service, and this blog. I’ll break things down a bit in each category.

I want to MANAGE my mind and emotions.

This one is all thanks to Jody from the Better than Happy podcast. I’ve been listening to Jody for a few years now and she has 100% changed my life. I am no longer at the mercy of things that happen to me or around me. She has taught me how to manage my thoughts in order to create a life of peace and happiness and growth. I’m no longer riding a full blown emotional roller coaster, I’m more just bobbing along in a still lake. So much better than the mental drama in my past!

So I’m going to continue to manage my thoughts, putting things into her CTFAR model (Look it up, it will change your life!). I will continue to identify what are just thoughts, and then decide which thoughts I want to keep and which thoughts need to be replaced with better thoughts.

The How To Mom Simplified Planner

I want to MANAGE our household

This one is related to time management, but its also its own thing. This one includes household tasks and chores, and teaching (nagging) my kids into helping more. Delegating more tasks to them, so that more things get done! This year I’m never going to empty the dishwasher. That’s HUGE. I hate dishes, and am not good at keeping up with them. So, duh! I’m making the girls take turns on this one. Next year I’ll add them loading it as well, and life will be GLORIOUS!

I haven’t quite gotten it down on paper yet, but I want to have a few constant daily/weekly tasks for myself. Things like making sure the kitchen is straightened and the trash it taken out before bedtime every night. Doing a load of laundry everyday. Tackling one “deep clean” or “de-cluttering” project every week.

I’d probably put menu-planning in this category too. I have themed days that I try to stick to:
Meatless Monday
Taco (Mexican) Tuesday
Chicken Wednesday
Pork Thursday
Pizza Friday
Saturday – date night or something fun
Beefy Sunday

Having a little bit of structure helps me have a bit of framework to start from. I menu plan on Sunday nights, and grocery shop on Mondays. You can also get my printable of 100 Easy Dinner Ideas to help with your menu planning.

I want to MANAGE our finances

Ugh. I’m going to have to dig deep for this one. Me and budgets don’t get along. But I’m going to try again. Possibly go to a cash system for a lot of our spending. I know that we can do better with tracking our spending and and being smarter about it all. I have adjusted my mindset on money lately to more of an abundance perspective and not so much a scarcity mindset. And I’ve been reading the book All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know about Wealth (link to Amazon) and it’s definitely more my style than Dave Ramsey.

I want to MANAGE my calling

I’ve been serving in my church as the Primary President for a little over a year (basically leading the children’s programs). I’ve learned and grown a lot in the past year, and am probably slightly less annoying to work with than I was when I started, haha. But I have a ways to go on being more efficient, delegating tasks and not procrastinating errrrrything.

With the new format this year, I feel like our responsibility has shifted to focusing on supporting our teachers. I’m not sure exactly what this goal entails yet, but its on my radar and hopefully it’ll take shape in the next few weeks.

I want to MANAGE my blog/talents

I’ve been blogging off and on (mostly off, lol!) since July of 2013. There has been SO much noise and drama in my brain about blogging and comparisons and all the things I “should” do, and not wanting to be one of those “bloggers,” that it has been almost impossible for me to make any headway here. I’ve mostly been blogging in spurts, which I guess is fine. But I know consistency is better. And thanks to Jody, I feel like a lot of the mental drama has dissipated. And I think I can do this.

This blog is perfect for me. I love to make things! I love to help others make things! My brain is constantly going 100 miles a minute, overthinking and problem solving and coming up with ideas to help make life as moms better. I know how to do this. I can do this!

It feels *slightly* ironic to say this when I’ve already posted once this week, and there’s a good chance I won’t post again for another month. But I guess I’m not afraid of looking stupid. Or maybe I like some accountability? Oh well.


So that about covers it! Do you do a Word of the Year? I’d love to hear what yours is. Come tell me about it on my IG @thehowtomom.

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