Welcome to The How To Mom. We are a group of passionate moms and crafters. We share our best tips on parenting, relationships, and style. We also provide step-by-step guides to create really fun and creative crafts.
Our Mission
As moms and crafters, we aim to provide our readers with practical guides and craft projects. We hope that you will find the information and crafts on this site helpful and enjoyable. Whether you are a mom seeking parenting advice or just want to create a craft project that is truly and uniquely yours, we hope you will find The How To Mom to be a valuable resource.
See our Editorial Policy to learn how we research and validate parenting articles to ensure accuracy for our readers.
Meet The Authors and Crafters For The How To Mom!

Kylie is the original founder of The How To Mom. She started all of this with a simple blog in 2013.
Kylie is a mother of three and enjoys crafting, especially making gorgeous wreaths. She has since moved on to new adventures, but her contributions to the site live on.

Teresa is a Registered Nurse and the mother of two.
She enjoys all aspects of home DIY, from simple crafts to complete home remodels.
See Teresa’s About Page.

Susan is a housewife and mother of two who enjoys crafting, juggling, volunteering, and even flying a plane. She founded a homeschool group and served as President of the group for four years.
See Susan’s About Page.

Sam is a licensed mental health counselor and mother of two. She enjoys crafting and encourages honest communication with her children.
See Sam’s About Page